Apr 30, 2021
Where do you go when it's time to find yourself? The mountains of Atenas are calling. In this episode, Jackie Roby details the guest experience at The Retreat Costa Rica. Warning: You may want to book a flight after this...
Apr 23, 2021
What does immersive wellness feel like? Spend time with Jackie Roby as she walks through her stay at Canyon Ranch Lenox. Hear the motivation behind the trip, the moments of skepticism, and the healing that followed. #TravelCanHeal
Learn more about Canyon Ranch: https://www.canyonranch.com/
Apr 16, 2021
What do you think of when you hear wellness? Is it sad salads and 6 a.m. spinning classes? David Roby of Guardian speaks about ways travel has changed for him throughout the years once he learned to trust the travel experts. He shares ways that healing travel has helped him with feelings of imposter syndrome...
Apr 9, 2021
Imagine traveling to a new country with excitement & wonder only to be sold to the highest bidder. Jeannie Porter, Manager of Program Partnerships at Restore NYC, speaks about ways this organization helps women who have been sex trafficked. This is when travel went array & Restore is assisting with the healing.